SSI Technical Diving Courses – Sidemount
Scuba Schools International (SSI) has a wide range of technical diving courses that can be undertaken by sidemount divers as well as those diving backmount. SSI’s suite of Extended Range dive courses run from a basic foundations course right through to hypoxic trimix and diving to 100 metres with unlimited decompression. Course requirements include the planning of dives to a specific depth and for a specific bottom time. As part of this planning you will be required to plan the optimal gas mixes required, run times and decompression commitments. You will also learn important in-water skills relevant to sidemount diving. These skills include gas switching, buoyancy control, use of an SMB and rescue procedures.
The SSI Technical Dive courses also include specialist courses for those divers interested in diving in overhead environments, which are particularly suited to sidemount diving. These courses include advanced and technical wreck diving as well as cavern diving. There is also an extended range gas blender course for those divers who wish to know more about the gas mixes they are diving with. For information on the particular course that you are interested in click on the relevant SSI badge below. Alternatively you can always contact us directly at and we will be pleased to help you choose the right course for you.