Rubicon Shup – Buying a rEvo Rebreather
The rEvo rebreather was originally designed by Paul Raymaekers and released onto the market in 2007. With more testing and more redundancy built into the unit than any other rebreather on the market, the rEvo III Closed Circuit Rebreather is truly a rEvolutionary Rebreather.
The rEvo has been through a number of versions, specifically the rEvo I and II. Neither of these units is now in production although many are still being dived today. The current unit in production today is the rEvo III which has been designed to meet CE specifications. The rEvo III is available in several different versions: standard, mini and micro. The main differences between these units are size and weight. One feature common to all units and unique to the rEvo is the use of dual scrubber units which increases the units redundancy and safety. Like many rebreather units nowadays the rEvo features back mounted counter lungs which are enclosed within the unit’s back mounted casing.
rEvo Standard
The standard unit is rEvo’s flagship product and can be bought with either a titanium or steel frame and a choice of electronics. The weight of the titanium framed unit is just 17.3 Kg whilst the steel based unit weighs a little more at 19,6 Kg. The unit is supplied as standard with dual scrubbers and two rEvodream controllers. A shearwater controller can be added if so desired.
rEvo Mini
The rEvo Mini is very similar to the standard unit with the same dual scrubber and electronics systems. The main difference is that the Mini is slightly smaller and lighter. The Titanium units weighs 17.1 Kg and the steel unit 19.4 Kg. The Mini is 5cm shorter than the standard unit and may suit smaller divers or those who are interested in cave or wreck diving.
rEvo Micro
As suggested by its name the rEvo Micro is a much smaller unit than the other two options. Titanium unit weighs just 15.2 Kg and is 9cm shorter than the Standard and 4 cm shorter than the Mini. There are two versions of the Micro available, the mCCR which is a manual rebreather with no set point controller and the hCCR which is supplied with a Shearwater Petrel set point controller.
For a comparison chart showing the specifications of all three units please click here.